Drying out your harvest can take a long time, many growers have found ways to make the process go faster. Jill likes to use a table fan to keep the air circulating around her plants. It helps her to not have to think about mold growing.

She also uses a space heater and a drying stove. With a dryer stove she can dry her plants in three days, some people take 5-7 days just to air dry their plants.


Jill doesn’t cure her plants. She didn’t have enough time.

“How am I supposed to do that,” she laughed. “I would need a lot of jars.” Although she knows it will significantly improve the taste of her product, in the commercial industry, growing is nothing without selling. Plus, in a small town where everyone is growing, selling is often about harvesting first.

“I guess I could get some airtight containers… but that would be too much to carry.”

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